Benefits Of Ursolic Acid – How It Can Serve You

Benefits Of Ursolic Acid – How It Can Serve You

A Review on Ursolic Acid


Summary: Ursolic acid has many health benefits. The main among them happens to be muscle growth, fat loss, maintaining the glucose levels within the body at proper levels and many more.


Ursolic acid prevents muscle atrophy. The skeletal muscle happens to be a dynamic tissue which may undergo hypertrophy or rapid growth and atrophy or rapid shrinkage. This is based upon the physiological condition present within a human. Cases where atrophy may prevail are spinal cord or nerve injury, starvation, illnesses such as cancer or AIDS, as well as organ failure such as heart, kidney, liver, etc. On the contrary, the muscle growth happens during developmental stage and while responding to stimuli like certain drugs and exercise. These two phenomena i.e. atrophy and hypertrophy is caused by a number of genes that become repressed or expressed due to aforementioned physiological trigger.The scientists investigated smaller molecules that have effects upon muscle wasting. They mapped mRNA expression signature in muscles of persons subjected to atrophy developing stress. This means they starved one group of persons, took their muscle biopsies, and studied the muscle gene that got activated and the muscle gene that got repressed. Lot of changes was detected in mRNA expressions in response to fasting. Many possess physiological roles, some of these encode proteins having known functions during muscle metabolism like the Catabolic or increased mRNAs; fat oxidation, glutamine transport, protein synthesis inhibiting, ubiquitin mediated proteolysis. The anabolic or decreased mRNAs help in glycogen synthesis, angiogenesis, polyamine synthesis, mitochondrial biogenesis.


A Look at Ursolic Acid


Ursolic acid has a compound which can prevent the muscle loss during conditions of ill health. This is of immense medical value. The researchers discovered that it has the capability to do this in physiological environment of two disparate pathological situations. Ursolic acid also clearly displays anabolic reactions. The muscles became nearly 15% big as did muscle fiber themselves. Not only did the muscles grow big, the measurement of the grip strength proved that they had got stronger as well. You may have thought that ingesting ursolic acid gives big muscles, so the candidates may probably gain more weight. This is not the case.


Researchers investigated this further. They repeated an experiment by feeding candidates Ursolic Acid for a period of 7 weeks in place of 5 weeks. Examining the muscles showed similar anabolic effect as the premiere time. However, when they checked the fatty tissues, they saw dramatic reduction in mass. The reduction in fat mass was very much in proportion to the gain in muscle mass. This inverse response in tissues indicates a classical repartitioning effect. No difference in food intake was seen among Ursolic acid fed candidates and non Ursolic acid fed candidates. However, the examination of the adipocytes or fat cells showed a marked lessening in size of ursolic acid fed candidates. Read The Full Post Here .


In addition, triglycerides and plasma cholesterol were lessened in Ursolic Acid fed candidates. Ursolic Acid also causes muscle growth in healthy people and lessens muscle wastage in compromised people. The scientists tackled this query by examining the mRNA levels within muscles once again. They basically looked at the genes that turned on and those that turned out. Among more than 16,000 mRNAs that were analyzed, strong signals were found to be decreased in 18mRNAs and were increased in 51 mRNAs. Among those that were potently decreased happened to be two strongly associated to muscle atrophy namely the MuRF-1 and atrogin-1.Among them was the highly important mRNAs. This is the one which encodes the Insulin Growth Factor-1 or IGF-1. The locally produced muscular autocrine also called as IGF-1 is regarded as the key signal in muscle regeneration and growth. Ursolic Acid is also known to increase the downstream effect of IGF-1 which is demonstrated via measurement of increased level of Akt phosphorylation. Hence, Ursolic acid is known to work wonders for bodybuilders. Research on this is very impressive. You need to take the right dosage and figure out in which all scenarios this compound can be most useful. It is a matter of time before you begin to see results.